Welcome to our Pixel & Voxel community

We help the artist to show off there artwork through our Sandbox land “PixnVox tower”

Join our discord

Visit the PixnVox tower soon …

The PixnVox Tower will open soon ! Concert, Museum, Video games and more will be released soon !

Meanwhile, watch us build on our Twitch channel !

Watch us build the land on twitch
PixnVox Land The Sandbox

The roof (concert) @ Flat 8

Do you like concerts? Then you’ve come to the right place! The roof of the tower will host the best 8-bit, New retro wave, Wave synth artists, etc. In short, all the electronic music that revolves around retro gaming!

The art gallery @ Flat 7

You want to expose your art to the world? Then this is the place for you to make yourself known to the community. It’s also a great place to showcase your NFT collection! Contact us if you want to use our art gallery!

And much more …

We still have room in the PixnVox tower since we still have 6 floors to create! Parkour, Escape room, Cinema, RPG game, Racing, etc. What will be the next activities ? It’s up to the community to decide!


All 4 one avatar

All 4 one avatar is the first RPG game to be fully playable by viewers via Twitch streaming from PixnVox studio.

Built from the game engine “The Sandbox”, it allows viewers to interact directly with the avatar and decide his fate together!

The viewers share the controls of the avatar (unlike a multi-player game where each player embodies his hero).

This is the novelty of the concept: viewers from all over the world must take turns to play the avatar.

See more details


This NFT collection is inspired by the famous monumental Greek sculpture (about 2 meters high and wide) in bronze, dated around 460 BC and kept in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.

Manu_O, voxel artist, is creating a collection of 3D models of this sculpture representing the sky god, Zeus.

Different types of detour both funny and surprising are proposed in this collection.

The collection will be exposed in the art gallery of the PixnVox tower. So, feel free to visit us ! 

Coming Soon ...

The new “All4one” game concept

In August 2022, Emmanuel Obiol, founder of PixnVox, developed the “All for one” video game concept.

This concept was first experimented on Twitch via the PixnVox channel.

This new concept consists in giving the control of a character in a video game to any player and in real time. Hence the concept of “All 4 one”.

This concept has been a great success with players but also with game designers.

The first mini games using the “All4one” concept were “Save my gorilla”, “Pet my squirrel” and “Pet race”.

Pet my squirrel - all 4 one game concept

Pet my squirrel – broadcast on August 23, 2022 on Twitch

Save the gorillas - all 4 one game concept

Save the gorillas – broadcast on August 20, 2022 on Twitch

Pet race - all 4 one game concept

Pet race – broadcast on August 23, 2022 on Twitch

How it works ?

A video game is streamed on Twitch and any viewer can take control of the main hero.

This is made possible thanks to a Twitch extension that allows to take control of the streamer’s keyboard.

The viewers / players must agree on the choices imposed on the avatar. The “All4one” requires a certain organization and understanding of the community.

The stream chat and the Discord are the communication tools that allow the viewers to debate on the strategic choices to be made in the game.

Play our last game
Save the gorillas - all 4 one game concept

This picture shows how the viewers interact with the game through the streaming – screenshot of “Save the gorillas” game

Marketplace (soon)

The community will be able to buy / resell their own creations through our marketplace. Coming soon!

Coming soon ...

Academy (soon)

You can learn how to make pixel art and voxel art with the best artists of the moment. Coming soon!

Coming soon ...

Studio (soon)

Need to create assets for “The Sandbox”? Trust our team of voxel artists!

Coming soon ...


Community (mid 2022)

  • Beginning of community development via social networks
  • Setting up of the member’s area

Metaverse (mid 2022)

  • July 2022 – Start of the creation of the land “PixnVox Tower”
  • August 2022 – Start of the creation of the RPG game “All 4 one avatar”
  • Opening of the land to visitors (depends on the schedule of The Sandbox)

Studio (early 2023)

  • Recruiting the best talent
  • Responding to our clients’s needs

Marketplace (early 2023)

  • Integration of the marketplace features

Academy (early 2023)

  • Recruitment of coaches
  • Putting the courses online


What is the mission of PixnVox ?

Our goal is to help pixel and voxel artists make themselves known to the community. We’re looking for tomorrow’s talent to shape the metaverse in “The Sandbox”.

How to show off my artwork in the PixnVox Art Galery ?

Send us a private message in our Discord (DM to Manu_O)

Can you promote my NFT collection ?

Yes, we can promote your NFT collection with our reputation. Contact Manu_O in private message in our Discord.

Recent news …

Here are the lastest news about our project and much more !



Founder and CEO of PixnVox
Web designer & Voxel Artist


Founder of “La Forge” French Voxel artist community
Web 3.0 developper


La Forge

French Voxel Artist Community
+100 members

Social networks
